Trenutni nivo izvježbanosti i stalni trening određuje koliko si stvarno sposoban - sposoban za sve životne i borbene izazove.
Život na staroj slavi često dovodi do nostalgičnih sjećanja - tipa - Kad sam ja bio mlađi, mlad, mlađa - mogao sam trčati 20 km bez odmora sa rancem od 50 kg na leđima, ili: - Kad sam ja radio sparing ili borbe - udarao sam kao Bruce Lee - ili: Kad sam ja udarao ljudi su padali ko kruške - ili: Kad sam ja prelazio prepreke i išao u planine, najbrže od svih - ili: Ja sam ispucao više metaka nego što je taj u životu vidio - ili: gdje si ti bio kad sam se ja borio - ili ja sam onda kada je trebalo radio čuda... Joj... naslušao sam se takvih herojskih priča na sve strane, gdje god dođem.
Većina takvih priča nije istinita. Oni ljudi koji su se stvarno borili bilo gdje od Domovinskog Rata do bilo kakvih drugih borbi - ratnih ili samoobrambenih o tome uopće ne pričaju, ako pričaju - te priče se dijele samo sa srodnim dušama - sa drugim ratnicima.
Zato u ratničkim vještinama – borilačkim umjetnostima uvijek govorimo – Krećeš se ka savršenstvu bez kraja. To znači neprekidno vježbanje i proučavanje – jedino tako je moguće biti istinski ratnik.
The current level of training and constant exercising determines how capable you are - capable to meet all life and combat challenges.
Vrlo je to zanimljivo i vjerujem da se to i vama događa - kad netko sazna da vi/ja vjež- bate neku vještinu odmah se netko iz okupljenog društva počne sjećati svojih nekadašnjih uspjeha i svojih moći iz prošlosti, ali da u stvarnosti ne posjeduje niti jednu od njih - možda je to prije nekad davno i radilo ali sada im više ne radi pa im je ostao samo jaki jezik.
Većina takvih priča nije istinita. Oni ljudi koji su se stvarno borili bilo gdje od Domovinskog Rata do bilo kakvih drugih borbi - ratnih ili samoobrambenih o tome uopće ne pričaju, ako pričaju - te priče se dijele samo sa srodnim dušama - sa drugim ratnicima.
Takve riječi koriste najčešće lijeni ljudi koji misle da ako su nešto nekada prije radili vrhunski (što je isto veliki upitnik)- misle da to i dalje mogu raditi iako od te davnine do danas nisu više vježbali, nisu se uvježbavali niti održavali svoje znanje i sposobnosti.
Naravno da takvi ne mogu više ništa od svega što melju. Te osobe su pale u zamku podijeljenog uma. Um ima jaka sjećanja ali tijelo je propalo - veza jedinstva uma i tijela je nestala - ostalo je samo sjećanje na davna vremena kad smo mi to mogli a sadašnjoj stvarnosti takvi ne mogu ništa od toga što pričaju. No glavno je da nam to vole trljati na nos.
Sve je to u redu kad ostaje samo na prići ali na takve osobe u stvarnim opasnim situacijama ne možeš računati, a ionako će oni ostat iza vas, nas kad zagusti i neće se ni pomaknuti.
Važno je zapamtiti jednom zauvijek:
Samo nivo tvoje trenutne - današnje - sadašnje trenutne - ovog trenutka - sada - taj nivo trenutne sposobnosti i znanja određuje koliko si sposoban. Ako si stalno u treningu - stalno si sposoban i sve više i više sposoban, ako nisi stalno u treningu - nisi uopće sposoban a pričat možeš što god hoćeš.
Zato u ratničkim vještinama – borilačkim umjetnostima uvijek govorimo – Krećeš se ka savršenstvu bez kraja. To znači neprekidno vježbanje i proučavanje – jedino tako je moguće biti istinski ratnik.
Gord K
LEVEL OF TRAINING PROFICIENCYThe current level of training and constant exercising determines how capable you are - capable to meet all life and combat challenges.
Living on old glory often leads to nostalgic memories - like - When I was younger, young, younger - I could run 20km without resting with a 50kg backpack on my back, or: - When I was sparring or fighting - I hit like Bruce Lee - or: When I was hitting people were falling like trees - or: When I crossed obstacles and went into the mountains I was the fastest of all - or: I shot more bullets than anybody else - or: where were you when I fought - then when was needed I did wonders ... Oh ... I heard such heroic stories everywhere I went.
It is very interesting and I believe it happens to you too - when someone learns that you are practicing Martial Arts, someone from the nearby company immediately begins to remember their past successes and their powers from the past, but does not really own any of them - maybe it used to be a long time ago, but now it doesn't work anymore, so they have an only strong and endurable tongue.
Most of these stories are not true. Those people who have really fought anywhere from any of the Patriotic Freedom Wars to any other fighting - war or self-defense situations don't talk about it at all, if they talk - those stories are only shared with soulmates - with other warriors - and not in a bragging manner.
Such words are used mostly by lazy people who think that if they used to do something great before (which is also a big question mark) - they think that they can still do it even though they have not practiced since that time, trained, or maintained their knowledge and skills. Of course, such people can no longer do anything they speak about.
It is very interesting and I believe it happens to you too - when someone learns that you are practicing Martial Arts, someone from the nearby company immediately begins to remember their past successes and their powers from the past, but does not really own any of them - maybe it used to be a long time ago, but now it doesn't work anymore, so they have an only strong and endurable tongue.
Most of these stories are not true. Those people who have really fought anywhere from any of the Patriotic Freedom Wars to any other fighting - war or self-defense situations don't talk about it at all, if they talk - those stories are only shared with soulmates - with other warriors - and not in a bragging manner.
Such words are used mostly by lazy people who think that if they used to do something great before (which is also a big question mark) - they think that they can still do it even though they have not practiced since that time, trained, or maintained their knowledge and skills. Of course, such people can no longer do anything they speak about.
Those types of persons fell into the trap of a divided mind. The mind has strong memories but the body has failed - the connection between the unity of mind and body has disappeared - it is only a memory of ancient times when they could do it, and in the present reality, such people cannot actually do anything from their stories. But the main thing is that they like to rub it on our noses.
All this is fine when it just stays on the storytelling. But you can't count on such people in any really dangerous situation, and anyway, they will stay behind you, when the shit hits the fan.
That's why in the Crobran Arts we always say - You are moving towards perfection without end. This means constant exercise and study - the only way to be a true warrior.
It's important to remember once and for all:
Only the level of your current - today - present moment - this moment - now - that level of current ability and knowledge determines how capable you are. If you are constantly in training - you are constantly capable and more and more capable, if you are not constantly in training - you are not capable at all and you can talk whatever you want.
Gord K
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