Your way my friend, not my way.
My way is just a map of hidden treasure.
The way to the treasure you have to pass by yourself!
You got your ideas, go for it, go for it, go for it.
Never stay in a one-track mind, go for it.
It isn’t worth it, I can't, I don’t have money. I can’t for thousand different reasons! aaaaaaaaaaa, I have to scream when I hear and see all that! 
Your treasure, not my treasure.
My treasure is not for you. Your treasure is waiting just for you!
We don't have to win the Nobel prize or be like Lewis Hamilton. But all of us can start step by step and there you have a lot of small steps on the bunch and that my friend is a lot!
You have your way and your ideas. Take advantage of your ideas, and use your way! Be original and leave some trail of your own. Make your own legacy.
Get moving and work, little things, just don’t lay around under countless excuses, because then there is no difference between you and the corps in the morgue!
My way is not your way. Your way is not my way! I like to study your way and thousands of others but from all of that again my way will be born!
Every one of us is unique and special and that has to be embraced and used and not despised!
When you give out your maximum you are all the time the unique one!
Why be an original? Only then you can fully enjoy life! If you copy all the time and watch other people's steps then you will pass to see, feel, experience, and enjoy life!
We love this or that way, that is the fundamental human problem! The way is not important! What is important is to feel what you want, feel as if it is already here. The way will unfold accordingly then.
Everyone knows, but who knows the best? Nobody! So study a lot, practice, learn, inspect, and perfect. Then you will easily find your way!
Don’t enforce your way onto others. If it is a good way it will be followed spontaneously. In the same manner, you have to accept good ways from others and use them in your own way!
Find The Way!
Find Your Way
Enjoy Your Way!
I know I'm enjoying mine, hahahahaha, hihihihihi, hohohohoho!
From My Heart to Yours
