The Pratice

Becoming a better human being need lots of practice!
That is the whole lifespan project!”
Practice is pleasure,
Practice is mastership,
Practice is perfection,
and Practice is freedom!
Practice or training? No difference! It is the same thing!
Practice not only with your body but practice your mind because here we practice with the body to develop a mind and we practice our mind to develop our body!
If you go in just one direction, you will destroy another!
Practice is not just physical training, everything that you do in your life can be practiced: your writing, your thinking, your driving, your working, your drawing, your crafting, your gardening, your communicating, your compassion, your love, your understanding, your new knowledge. Practice in that way and all doors will be open for you!
The proper practice encompasses everything, mind, body, and spirit! Those three are united in one. United in: Better and more perfect human being. The one who knows, and who can, and who is love! That’s why I glorify practicing!
To practice, only the mind will destroy the body,
To practice, only the body, will destroy the mind,
To practice, a spirit only will destroy both body and mind!
Learning without practicing and repeating does not have any use! 
All learned will go to oblivion if it is not trained and repeated enough! You must constantly practice!
The practical application of knowledge depends only on the level of training. But here and now training! Doesn't matter what you did in the past. Hare and now is the only that matters!
All great performances are heavily rooted in hard training!
After hard training abilities to properly practice are ten thousand more!
 All knowledge has to be correct. Using the wrong knowledge you will get hurt. Using bad knowledge you will hurt others! 
The habit of everyday practicing is the best habit that you can have! Every day, little by little, no need for extremism, too much will cause a stoppage of progress!
Forced practice leads to injuries and then there is no continuity, where there is no continuity in learning there is no progress either!
Practice smart, to enlighten your mind, noble your heart, develop your soul, and empower your body!
If you don’t practice smart, stop immediately and get smart!
Whatever you practice it has to be applicable in reality!
Learning, practicing, training, and then again repeating the process!
One more secret: enjoy what you practice!
All is said here, no need for more words, now go on and practice!
From My Heart to Yours
