St. Maximilian Kobe-a true Hero of humanity
Real heroes are not perfect. They are just people with their lives and problems and flaws, but at that moment when they were heroes they were perfect and that is the hero we look upon. I look at the hero in that exact moment of heroism, and that moment happened because such a hero was in the right place at the right time or in the wrong place at the wrong time and he/she had to become a hero right there and then. I look upon a hero who had to perform a heroic act. The hero does his/hers heroic acts in perfect accordance with the universe and per the here-and-now moment and that is it.

After their heroic acts, those people can still be good but also bad people, and they can be on the way to goodness, but they can fail in life and become alcoholics, homeless, bullies, drug addicts, criminals, thieves, suicides, and so on. But this does not diminish their heroism at the moment of the heroic act and save the needy.

That is why even when we look at our favorite heroes, we do not analyze their lives in detail and do not criticize them. We are motivating ourselves to their heroic here-and-now deeds, discoveries, and knowledge. What was before and later with them is between them and the universe.

A hero that remains on a heroic path is the one who makes mistakes, falls, and does great nonsense, but dares to make himself/herself say: "It is enough I will go on my right way" and truly they go on their way and the right track. That kind of hero has great courage to constantly correct him/herself, sometimes they do not succeed but they always return to that path with great courage and passion.

A truly brave hero manages to do small things out of great love during his/hers lifetime, forever. By doing so with a pure heart sometimes a hero manages to do something that others consider big - important - heroic, but to them, it is just a simple thing from great love. Such heroes never give up and never surrender.

So there are heroes even today. They are those people who make exceptional acts at that heroic moment - and we will motivate ourselves to these deeds and install a fraction of their heroism in ourselves, thus becoming better, faster, smarter, more powerful, and better in every possible sense.

All of those heroes and heroines have two things in common. Their indomitable faith and their perfect training. All of them were and are very well trained in their crafts, arts, and skills, which is why they could perform great heroism. They were and still are trained, educated, and self-educated in the goodness of heart, love toward others, respect toward others, and their specific skills and crafts. I'm not speaking just about the physical side of heroism - a true hero is in that moment of heroism perfect in every way in all ways. All heroes and heroines are truly, truly, truly like that - equally physical and spiritual, and I am not speaking to you just empty words:

For example, once there was one of the great heroes of world war II - but he was not a warrior - he was a Catholic priest - very well trained in his beliefs, educated a true believer of his religion, and truly great a great person who devoted his life to his faith and development of families. For him, the family was the most important in the world. His name was Maximilian Kobe, now Saint Maximilian Kobe who volunteered himself to replace another man and to go instead of that man into the chamber of hunger where he died out of hunger along with 9 other men. He voluntarily went to a certain slow terrible death by hunger to save another human being believing that this saved man will somehow make it back to his family.

That is a real hero who was dying slowly for 21 days naked in this cell of hell but on his feet and knees all the time giving comfort to other dying men and making a final confession to every one of the dying people in there. After 21 day's commander of that part of Auschwitz decides to kill the last 4 people in there because they are dying too slowly - one of them was st. Maximilian. They came in with poison injections and found st. Maximilian sat, praying, and smiling when his turn came to be injected with deadly poison he offer his hand voluntarily with a gentle smile. He died with a smile on his face before the injection reach his hand. He was 47 years old at that moment.

I usually write about heroes who survived and won their battles or saved efficiently other people without dying. But st. Maximilian Kobe is an example of true indomitable spirit, courage, compassion, unconditional love, and the power of believing. For me, he is a true hero to look upon and revive all of these values in our lives and use them to become better people no matter what we believe in or not. From him, you can learn what is the love, courage, and power of believing, what is the true meaning of the word indomitable - all of that you have in the deeds of that man. All of that he displayed in the most terrible time 20th century. Alone, naked in fucking concentration camp.

So now please think twice and twice when you think that something is hard for you or you think that you can not do this or that. Read his story in detail and go grab your happiness armed with his qualities. That is the recipe for how we install the values of heroes in ourselves. Find your heroes, study their lives and install in yourself the values of that moment of their heroism - that is how you can become a ten thousand times better person than before.

It doesn't mean that you have to be the same as that hero, remember - Your way, not others' ways. It means to use their powers to get more powers for you and to have a better, happier, safer, and easier life.

From my heart to yours!
