Well, I say - No Surrender, Never Surrender.
When hardness is pressing! Don’t despair, calm down, find an isolated place, start to consider, think about solutions, and never think about surrender. If you want to be in a state of no surrender and to be efficient in life, in all life situations, YOU HAVE TO TRAIN YOUR SELF.

There is no other way. This training is the power of words. Yes, words have power. NO SURRENDER, NEVER SURRENDER. Repeat it million times, and repeat it every day. That is the training. Second thing, you need to train your body too, practice anything - fitness, running, yoga, martial arts, dance, anything that require discipline and diligence - so that again there you can practice efficiently NO SURRENDER ATTRIBUTE.

If you do think that words do not have power, look here. Constant verbal abuse carries a full negative destructive power. That is, unfortunately happening all around the world at all levels of society and to many children, women, and men. For example: "You are a worthless piece of shit." If this is repeated in days, months, or years, a person under constant attack of these words will get sick, feel worthless, and will live miserable and unhealthy life. It is a proven fact in thousands of studies.

Verbal abuse makes some people commit suicide, homicides, or other violent crimes and they are becoming victims of all sorts of crimes. You have examples of this negative context in the news all the time - especially nowadays over social media. That is because words have power - in this case, a negative one filled with negative energy. Just stating an example of the real power of words here - but this negativity is pure bullshit. Here we are destroying that negative power of abusive words and that is no bullshit. The negative power of words, verbal abuse, and any other kind of abuse - does not have any power for truly NO SURRENDER PERSON and this also can be trained.

Words have power - use it - repeat strong words that will make you happy, stronger, healthier - but also words have to have physical action behind them. Only words are not enough, you need to move into some kind of training, any kind - even walking will do.

Of course, extreme situations need stronger solutions. It is nice to be raised or educated or self-educated or trained by nice strong words, but reality can be cruel, dangerous, and life-threatening. For that kind of reality - NO SURRENDER state of mind needs to be backed up by really smart and useful training - physical training. In my world and by my advice and under my guidance it has to be Martial Arts Training.

A state of No Surrender is not reserved for naturally brave ones. No, I was never naturally brave. I was a small tiny, scared, molested kid. But I refused to be like this and I trained myself to be a better, more skillful, and good person with the skills and knowledge to become a No Surrender Person. I think I managed to achieve that state at early age pressed by life events. From an early age, I was trained and self-trained in Martial Arts, Warrior, and Hero stories of warriors from my country and the world. I found in them in every one of them the incredibly strong No Surrender state of being, and I always wanted to be like them. So this state of mind is with me since my early childhood.

At 1991. my country was attacked and war came, destroying thousands of lives and many cities - like nowadays Ukraine. My friends run to me, at least 8 or 10 of them, and asked me in those early war days - Gogi what are we gonna do, they will kill us all, we have to think about running away. At that moment - that was happening in the front corridor of my house in Duga Resa City, Croatia, and bombs had just stopped falling on my city. At that moment I stand there - I was 20 years old - lots of friends were older than me .- and told them - "Wel guys it is now or never, we have to stand and fight, I will not run anywhere, I will fight, I will defend my town and country and us, and I will never surrender. If you think that you need to run - run, no hard feelings from me, but I'm staying. We have weapons (I am lying to them because we didn't have much except some hunting weapons at that moment and improvised weapons), we will organize ourselves and fight, they can not win against us in our woods, our rivers, our town. They all were motivated by my speech and they all stayed and defended our country some of them were true Rambo Heroes and some of them were unfortunately killed in that war, that is one of my burdens to bear. At that moment I had no weapons to fight but I had an indomitable will, I was young and crazy and had some other advantages on my side.

Look here, this is my view on life and on everything - I will never surrender - and that is it. Be it fighting or life. Surrendering is no option for me. During that war I saw my friends killed, children killed, civilians killed, mutilated, and wounded people. I had to be part of funerals where I need to somehow explain to the daughters of my friends - where their father is, and their father was collected in pieces. And I didn't surrender to any of this. Yes, it was hard, but all my Warrior Wisdom Teachings and my ancestor's teachings were all the time with me with my spirit of No Surrender - and of course my skills and all the time newly acquired skills and knowledge.

So in daily life - surrender to what? - "Onion and water" - my friends, that is all "onion and water" - that means easy to overcome - those daily life problems.

I can train you to try to get this kind of mindset - the way to this is through smart tactical training.

Let's see another situation more normal. I lost my dream job position in 2001, due to some corruption in my company. I was transferred to a new position to do the job that I didn't want - but my No Surrender mindset of mine made me very good at this job too. In 2011. I went to Afghanistan despite being 12 per day killed soldiers of NATO forces on average and I never had a single scared thought about it. In 2014. I resigned from a well-paid government job to be a Close Protection Officer in Iraq. All of my colleagues told me that I'm crazy, what about pension, what about benefits, family...but I wasn't happy at my job, and I was very happy at my new job no matter the hardness of life apart from family - no surrender state of mind keeps me going thru.

At 2020./21. due to the COVID crisis, I was forced to close my private business - I had a Private Detective and a Private Security Company. But my no-surrender mindset of mine keeps me going and now I'm making much more money than I can dream of in this previous business of mine. So I would say that this NO SURRENDER OF MINE is working pretty fine in any area of life. In the year 1997. I lost my newborn daughter, she was little more than 2 months young. It was the end of the world for me and my wife. But I didn't surrender, and today I have a beautiful family of two sons and a daughter, and 25 years of successful marriage my friends - all because of NO SURRENDER MINDSET.

I was shot at, rocketed at, airplane shot at, shelled, bombed, attacked in hundreds of ways - and I'm still standing here, spreading goodness knowledge. All because of Warrior No Surrender State of Mind, Body, and Soul. You have to put no surrender in your core in your DNA and there you are - no limits for you.

The great motivation for no surrender for me was my grandfather - he was ex WW2 hero, without one leg - but he climbed to the roof of our house to fix it many times like a young man, climbed to the big walnut tree to shake walnuts down, he worked as a tailor and he never said any weak word in his entire life. He was a fixer, he could fix anything.

My grandmother also was a great strong woman who lost her daughter in WW2, she died out of hunger in her hands, but she never surrenders, she pass on to me the incredible wisdom of old ways, and she never said any weak or bad words in her life. She was full of life always. My other grandmother lost her husband in the early days of marriage but she never stops loving him, and never surrenders herself to any circumstances of life, or another man for marriage. She was a true-life hero and she also never did tell any weak words or bad words in her life, and she helped everybody.

I had friends, and brothers-in-arms who also were full of a Never Surrender Mindset because they were strong, extremely strong physically and mentally - so I learned from them too, how to become Never Surrender. And I was motivated by biographies of ancient masters and heroes from all over the world too. But my motivation was exclusively those people who always win, who always survive, and Never Surender and that is the way I'm teaching, the way of winning over yourself.

In dangerous situations the knowledge, skills, and No surrender attitude, attribute, and mindset will help you to prevail, win, to survive, endure and succeed in the fight, business, life, and in everything else. But this needs to be properly trained and achieved.

In everyday life back up all of your decisions with a No-Surrender Mindset, take risks and win. But use tactics and knowledge in the process, otherwise, you float into very dangerous territory. Simply stated - do not get killed with this - know what you are doing.

When people surrender, evil rules! If You surrender wicked wins! So NO SURRENDER - NO EVIL - very simple!
If you need to be moved to the other planes of superhuman existence - reach out I can help -

From my heart to yours,
