Crobran Wisdom helps those in need, to those in trouble! Crobran Wisdom is here to protect and save!
Always help if you can, not because you must and not because you are supposed to. Help because you want, can, and love to do it!
A man/woman is lying down in the street and everyone is going around him/her. How many times did you see or did this, how many, how many? Shame on everyone who is just walking by, he/she won’t eat you!
Think for a moment that you are that downed person and everyone are walking by, and no one helps. Think for a moment that this is your child?!? It can easily happen to you or your loved one. To make a difference always help, always!
When you are in the hurry, and someone nearby is in the trouble, don’t justify yourself: "I’m in hurry, someone else will help them/him/her!"  No, it won’t. You are here and now, here and there and you have to act!
All that is happening in front of you is happening because of you. It is happening to you. It is happening to teach you. It is your chance to be a true human being. That is why everything is happening to you and around you.
You, Here, Now and to help. Human lives are dependent on this! Yes, it is all that serious.
 There is no greater greatness’ than your help whenever you can.
And sometimes, you can help greatly just with kind words and a smile, a hug, and with a magical question - How can I help You? Sometimes just this will save lives.
Don’t ask for thanks and litanies. You don’t need that. Help and go on your way. Too many prizes easily corrupt a soul!
Sometimes it just happens, you save someone's life. I did it a few times too. But never ask for rewards for your deeds. Help and go on. It is just a normal thing to us, like a walk in the park.
I love to help and help through my work, my job, and my skills. Where ever I came I help. But that doesn’t mean that I will dig dirt while you are watching! My help is: “I will teach you how to do, how to act, how to...!”
How can I helpSometimes I win a fight to defend a weak. Many more times I teach people how to help themselves, and how to help others!
I'm teaching here something good, something beautiful, and
something that will work! And above all else, it is not physical skills. It is the wisdom of Crobran.
It is hard for you. Do you think that it is easy for all others?
You don’t care for all others. Eeeee, don’t do that! 
Play with me for a while, and no hardships for you anymore!
Study wisdom, never surrender and everything will be easier for you.
To help mean to educate yourself. Never be static, always educate yourself. education will help you directly and help you to help others. Yes, it is that simple. 
Every time I help someone with something I am very happy about it! Not because of egoism, I m truly happy, never looking for reward or self-proclamation. I love to help and go away, but I like to hang out with people too!
From My Heart to Yours
