Respect people!
Respect all life!
Respect our earth!
Wherever you are respect the space around you!
Everybody deserves respect until proven otherwise!
As more powerful you are, the greater respect you can show!
Sometimes respect is to be earned!
Respect out of love!
Love and respect!
Respect even the smallest of things, your things, others' things!
Show your respect!
Sometimes your respect will be taken as a sign of weakness. Know this and show your respect anyway, but be strong, firm, and strict in your stances!
Develop your mind, body, and soul power, wisdom, and knowledge, and then:
Respect all!
Show respect yes, demand respect also, but do not be an egomaniac!
No respect, no problem. It's going to be hard for them, very hard until they learn.
Somebody learns very fast, and some never!
From My Heart to Yours
