The Superhero Spirit

Indomitable spirit is:
Superhero spirit!
Superhuman spirit! 
That's the thing, my man!
That is that ihaaaaaa form our soul!
Indomitable spirit is persistence and never backing down from the right decisions!
Indomitable is no giving up, no surrender, never surrender, that is an unbeatable spirit!
An indomitable spirit is to be like a real superhuman in all areas of life, all of them!
Full of life energy all the time!
Superhuman is something like the movie's superheroes! Strong, wise, strange a bit, good beyond belief!
A real superhuman is a person who is 1000% positive all the time! True positive to him/herself first and then toward others! 
A superhero person is 1000% and more believers in good, action, no surrender, love, compassion, forgiveness, justice, and peace!
I am a superhuman superhero! I am! I live my life in that way 1000%.
You can be a superhuman superhero also! Just accept your strong and good points and enhance them every day and discard all that is bad for you. It is that simple. It is not about lifting the trains off the tracks or fighting others all the time. It is about You and You! 
To achieve that indomitable superhuman state of body, mind, and soul, we just have to be neverending and persistent in our good ways!
Never back down. When your goals are set, don’t quit ever, that is an indomitable spirit!
When everything is against you; credits, debts, small wages, bad results, slow progress, bad business, weak health, sickness, deaths around you, and more! Don’t despair, reach out for indomitable spirit, reach out for no surrender, reach out for action! Your action.
When bad things start to happen, don’t despair, be firm, and be the one with no surrender and the one with an indomitable spirit. Analyze your situation and patiently work on the solution! Most important – never back up, and never give up, this is an indomitable spirit!
Even if I am about to die right now, I will never surrender, I will continue with my 1000% positive action, and I will win over death too!
In the face of deadly danger, you can really exert your indomitable spirit, but you need to be trained for that, and trained hard in an old-school way! Otherways you will get badly hurt.
I faced that kind of danger a few times, saving others from certain death. But with my indomitable spirit backed up with hard-trained body, mind, and soul, I won over the impossible and won over death.
I faced death a few times too, so I know what I'm talking about!
The true heart and true fast and furious action, that is also indomitable spirit!
Indomitable spirit, honor, pride, and goodness of heart, all of these are qualities of a true Man/Woman! The question is: Are you the one?
Watch out, and be fair to yourself? Are you? If you are not, don’t worry! These kinds of people are very, very rare on planet earth. But if you discovered these lines here you are already on a good path!
In combat, when with firm determination, you start your action, there is no giving up anymore. By using tactics, wisdom, techniques, and indomitable spirit you do your thing! That is the indomitable spirit in combat!
When you fight for your life, fight like a superhuman superhero. Firm, with a deadly glow and determination! Fight with faith in your sure victory! That is an indomitable spirit.
In business, life, school, faculty, or sport you can´t be a deadly superhero, but you can be never giving up superhuman!
Indomitable you are if You:
Just refuse to give up. 
Standing up again and again after hard falls!
Learn from every fall.
Stands tall and firm in the goodness of heart!
Never surrender in spite of losses, wins, ups and downs. 
You can be defeated in some battles. Yes, we all lose them sometimes. 
But remember this: if you put the whole of your body, heart, mind, and soul into your life events, You will always win! For sure sometimes not immediately, but for sure always at the end of it.
Ride on indomitable spirit and there you are my friend, there you are, right with the stars!
From My Heart to Yours
