Hard times

It is not beautiful for everyone out there! No, it is not!
Hard times are here. We need to bring up wisdom and work smart!
It is worse and worse for everybody, but do not despair. Hang on, endure, find a way, and don’t close in. Seek possibilities, there is always something out there!
Someone’s having a lot, and others don’t. I’m sorry, we cannot have it all. Be smart with what you have!
Make plans, and arrange your future movements. That’s the way of saving!
Do not spend in vain!
Help others. Organize help.
Sing and be happy, even if it is hard, grumbling will not help!
Debts, debts, debts, we all have that. Get rid of them and don’t make new ones!
You think that you can not be without beautiful shiny things. Think again. Oh yes, you can, that’s only an illusion! What needs to be shiny is Your heart!
You have to be very careful; commercials have one agenda only, to control your mind! So if you want quality, do your research, and do not "jump on to" the fancy commercials!
Even rougher times are coming in everything, be careful, be careful!
In hard times, the truth is gone!
To seek the truth is a very dangerous business. You have to know that!
All of the news that you see or don’t see in public is not entirely true!
The true news is not on the main media!
In the hard times, it is important to know this, you will survive more easier!
The only real truth is in wisdom!
There is no more truth in our world. In the whole world. We lost that battle. You must know that!
How to survive difficult times? Don’t surrender! It is not easy nor it will be, but never surrender! That doesn't mean that you have to stay and live in the dirt. It means getting up and fighting for your better life, doing whatever is needed to be done! The solution is always out there!
Cowards and liars. In all layers of society. You have to know that too!
If you think that you are not a slave, you are very wrong!
The majority of us are slaves of our governments!
If you think differently and say it out loud - you will lose your job!
If you think drastically differently you will be branded as a criminal of some sort!
To free yourself from slavery, there are two ways: no owning anything, or becoming powerful and rich!
How to achieve power?
Return your debts, don’t make new ones! Help others to do the same!
Buy land and don’t sell it! By properties and don't sell it. Rent it.
By gold whenever you can, and don't sell it in vain!
Go into politics but with patriotism and goodness of heart not with parties!
Independence, self-sufficiency, patriotism, union, without debts, that’s power!
To be powerful doesn’t mean to be mean and bad. Powerful means that no one controls you!
Use online proven ways to become independent! Learn about crypto and all other ways!
What is everyone’s ultimate fear? Remember, all world countries are afraid of independent people, independent communities, independent societies, and independent states!
In hard times, turn yourself to nature, turn yourself to land. Everything is in nature and land!
I had grandparents; they were never in debt to anyone! They lived from workers' pensions! From their gardens, from their trees and fruits, from their vine, from their "schnaps", jams, from their meat and milk. Jet they were nice city folks! They were miraculous! How do they do it? They didn’t care about cars, motorcycles, or the latest fashion every month, they cared about family!
In hard times, turn yourself to family, and make your family strong!
A strong family wins all hardships!
Take care of your health; with good health all is easy!
Once more, be very careful – deception is all around you. Spreads the truth don’t be a coward. If you live in lies, you are becoming a slave!
One more thing; if you want freedom, you have to work. 
Give away part of your freedom to get part
of it, that’s how it is!
But nowadays you can work smart and work not as if you are owned by a company!
Greed is a life destroyer, know this for all eternity!
It is perfectly ok to wish for millions, billions, and trillions, but not in a dirty, greedy, selfish way.  
During hard times good becomes very tin, and evil rises in all shapes. Armed yourself with light and don’t give up!
Finally, all hard times will pass sooner or later, but they will pass for sure.
Important is to endure, survive, further develop and triumph over hard times.
Protect yourself at all times, put your hands up, and never lower your guard. In hard times do this ten times more.
But do not close yourself to helping others!
From My Hearth to Yours
