RESPONSIBILITY - the science fiction story II

My new science-fiction story is about responsibility. All similarities with actual people, countries, planets, and events are purely coincidental and the plot is just a product of my writing imagination.

Take responsibility, take responsibility, take it. How many people do you know who will take responsibility for their own actions, duties, and life choices?

I know only a handful of those kinds of people in the whole wide world. Only 3 of them I believe will take full responsibility for whatever action they did. Wherever I look - nobody is taking any responsibility for his functions, actions, and duties - nobody - everybody is washing hands and saying - let the institutions do their job - and in those institutions are again people who will not take any responsibility. That goes from all levels of society and services - public and private. Police, military, Social, schools, Private Companies - nobody is taking responsibility for anything.

In last week's case - more than 10 bullies in one school were beating one boy, kicking him on the ground all over his body and head--TEN PUIPLS OF PRIMARY SCHOOL - demolish another kid - leaving him with serious injuries - The school principal answered about the incident in those words: "The children are playing like this is their normal game but this time it went little too far." I would like to see the exact principal in the same situation - beaten up by ten-eleven idiots - so just to see what he will tell then. This school, the principal and teachers, and the parents of the bullies all failed. They are all criminals in my eyes, all the same. School tries to cover up the violence - and not just this school - many of them - teachers and principals too - what is this? - A crime, a crime and you are all criminals. And to take responsibility for events under your guard - no - it is someone else to blame, probably the rain on the planet Mars. Yes because of that Mars rain, no one will be held responsible for this, no one will get fired from their jobs because of their inefficiency in education, and no parents of those bullies will be called to be responsible and punished and made to get reeducation of the bullies. Rain is on Mars so it is not possible.

Hipyokrcy lies, cover-ups, crime - instead of taking the responsibility - FUCKING WAKE UP PEOPLE AND TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITY otherwise go home and never turn up in any of the decision-making positions. Yeh, but because snow is falling at plant Jupiter they can not leave the well-paid positioned all over the old and new world. If they do, snow will stop falling on Jupiter and we will all die here on the earth so they are actually responsible to be irresponsible criminals to save us all, and we are all grateful for their saving of us.

Whenever you are not taking responsibility for your actions/inactions, job, duties, and doings of those under you, you are in my eyes doing a criminal act. And in your eyes, you are just fucking coward who does not deserve to be in that position with that responsibility.

To take responsibility means that you have to have your hands dirty, that you have to order sometimes very hard orders, sometimes wrong things, sometimes right things, that means that you have to fight against injustice and for goodness and justice no matter the cost - and that means that you will stand firm and take responsibility of your actions and that you will resolve even the heaviest situation.

It is easy to be a maggot and think somebody else will do it. No, nobody else will do it, you have to fucking do it, You. Nobody else will if you don't.

In my science fiction make-up life on one planet once upon a time, I have to make lots of hard decisions and I make them with full responsibilities behind them. Sometimes that means telling somebody to their face: "You are not welcome here, go away!" Sometimes it was ordered to deploy forces of officers (when nobody else will, no matter their high ranks - they are all hiding and play nonavailable during heavy crises) to resolve some crazy situations, sometimes it is to decide heavy stuff in dangerous areas and sometimes that is not keeping my clients happy at all - but I have to do it in order to keep them safe. And I do it with all of me behind - with the responsibility for my actions - without any problems. Sometimes I have to engage myself in the problems of my students because they can't resolve them on their own - sometimes that means that somebody will get hurt because it can not be the other way...and I do this because of responsibility toward my students, friends, and clients.

But what I see today in all of the worlds - a very small number of BRAVE PEOPLE - and millions of ants, sheep, and weak people. But don't worry it is all me making up entertainment science fiction stories, all of this is just science fiction.


Yes, sometimes you will get punished because you are taking responsibility and others are not - but fuck it - honest people are honest regardless.

When I see today's leaders and politicians of all states - they are all the same - soft, hypocritic, sneaky and they will never take responsibility for their own actions even when they are caught in big crimes, corruption, and power influences - no all the time somebody else is to blame.

You can not find any one of them - that will say - Yes I ordered this, it is my decision - because most of them - most of you have to obey someone else orders. And that is nothing bad if orders are in real service of justice, good, and in service of the goodness of mankind. If not, everything is wrong with this obeying.

My dream is to make as many people as proud, strong, wise, and responsible for their own actions. I know I'm dreaming big, but my never surrendering attitude is always pushing me forward.

But this is just a science fiction story and probably this will happen in some future - maybe some 1000 years from now - year 3022. planet earth, people are responsible.

Gord K.
