The Correct

Correct speech, correct writing, correct expression, correct behavior, and correct thinking! This is important!
We must always cultivate the correctness of talking! That means not to talk bad things, not to talk vulgarly, not to talk like a sissy, to talk nice and smart! That is much harder than you think!
Correct speech is using an official language when needed!
Correct speech is using a local dialect when needed!
Correct speech is to be rude when needed!
Correct speech is hauling and yelling, calling names, and cursing when needed!
In all correct things, it is all about timing! Right deeds at right time!
Don’t pretend to know all of the local dialects or all feints of the official language, listen, observe, and learn. When you need to talk, talk. If you don’t know ask and adapt yourself!
On the street, if attacked, official literate speech is a sign of weakness, not a good tactic unless you are skilled as a superhero!
If you are attacked, never talk normally, get crazy, yell, curse, swear, scream, go wild and become wild. Release your aggression verbally and physically, that is correct speech if you are attacked! Why? Read further:
Tactics of emotion control, yours and of attackers! Tactics of intimidating the attacker! Tactics of attention diversion, tactics of fear control, tactics of fear induction! Tactics of speeding up your body and mind!
During the attack, the big truth is in the old American saying: "Extreme times require extreme measures." So if you are attacked - the correct is to go extreme by all means!
It is weird but true, you can not answer a physical attack by being nice. The spirit has to be calm but at the same time, you have to yell, haul, and be vulgar by attention, because you know that this will help in your victory!
After the victory, the kindest speech in the world, the finest gentleman in the world, the dandiest fine lady in the world!
Correct writing will develop the creativity of body, mind, and soul!
Correct writing shows respect toward others and toward our own languages!
Correct writing has to be studied and practiced all the time!
Incorrect writing is an expression of laziness, selfishness, and ignorance! There is no place for this crape in truly wise people!
One of the ways how to develop your inner wisdom and spirit is by writing. Write your thoughts, ideas, and feelings, and write and study them!
Correct behavior on the street, in the house, at work, among people, and among animals! Every situation dictates different correct behavior!
You don’t wave with hands as crazy when around dangerous dogs!
Correct behavior, if you are attacked, is counterattack or retreat to safety! Incorrect behavior is trying to debate while the physical attack is already begun!
Correct behavior is talking and calming down the situation before an attack. Incorrect is when you lunch your attack without reason! 
Always in harmony with the situation. Always by need, always different, that is correct behavior, not always the same way! The same tricks don’t work always and everywhere!
Learn where and how to behave yourself! That is something that shall be learned, you can not know everything! If you have never been to the high mountain or fine theater you don’t know what to do in either case! Learn and ask! You can yell and haul in high mountains and can you do that in Broadway Theater? You can light a fire in the mountain, what about theater!
Correct behavior can be once as a tiger, once as a kitten, once as a raging bull, once as a scientist, once as a philosopher, once as common folk, once as a hero, always according to the situation, never the same!
Correct thinking stands behind everything right!
Correct thinking means that you don’t have hidden or visible negative thoughts! The truly accomplished person doesn't have negativeness inside!
Correct thinking stands behind correct speech, correct writing, and correct behavior! All of that is borne from the correct mind and correct thoughts!
Search for your correct mind!
Search for your correct body!
Search for your correct soul!
Search for your correct spirit!
When you find them you will elevate yourself to some mightier planes of existence!
From My Heart to Yours
