The Darkness

Darkness and death – everyday companions of life!
Life is precious, life is the ultimate value, and life is the first wealth of mankind!
Darkness is always following us, me, you, all of us! It is always here, beside us, like a shadow, it newer detaches from us!
Light and Darkness are part of one, Life and Death are part of one, part of existence!
Life is all around us, clear and visional, in the same manner, death is all around us clear and visible, but we refuse to see it!
Because our every day is about living, life, and happiness, we don’t see that death is here all the time!
Death is nothing bad or wrong; death is bad and wrong only when it is caused in an unnatural way!
Like a true warrior, you have to be prepared to die in every moment, every instance and with every breath you take! To die for your beliefs! Are you ready for that?
What are the beliefs of us common people?
I'll tell you what: Our families, my family, your family, and children of the world!
I am ready to die for my beliefs.
What are common people's beliefs?
I'll tell you again: Family, children, peace, love, happiness!
In Crobran Arts we meet death on an everyday basis! If we want every technique of ours is deadly! Every one of our actions can be deadly!
But by Crobran Wisdom we conquer darkness every day and we don’t act deadly.
We do not bring death, we celebrate life!
Yes, I practice killing in a thousand ways, I am so close to death and deadly actions, but I don’t kill! This exercise creates powerful and righteous people!
You always choose for yourself what will you become, life or death, light or darkness!
Sometimes we kill to protect ourselves from various bugs, snakes, spiders, and sometimes even people too! That is nothing wrong if there is no other way, absolutely no other way! But, there is almost always another way, almost always!
People kill people all over the world, not just with wars and guns! Every day someone is getting killed by beatings, knives, sticks, cars, trams, trains, accidents, animals, diseases, by human errors! All of this is constantly around us and with us, just as the births of newborns! Every day someone is getting born!
It can happen right now right there in your favorite street, coffee shop, or anywhere else, in your nice home, that attacker comes and forces you to defend yourself, and force you that you can not respect his life at this moment. Because your life is threatened, you have to win to survive, sometimes that can kill an attacker!
It can be that our most precious ones, our family find themself in terrific danger, and then there is no thinking anymore, you save lives, and if that causes the death of an attacker that is their own fault!
Sometimes the way of the darkness is the only way, no matter how society, law, religion, politics, rules, morals,s and you will look upon it!
Everything dies, everybody dies, but this is not as horrible as everybody thinks! Death is part of life, look around you and realize: death is part of life, death is part of life!
The only thing that is not right is: “violent death becoming a normal part of our lives, Man, that’s very wrong!
If an attacker makes you take his life and you can't do anything different, then take it, but know this: However you turn it, the outcome will not be in your favor! The law has its own view, judges, and lawyers their own, and you’re busted by that point of view!
But still, be happy because you are not the one at the graveyard because you’re not the one who bites the grass before your turn, because you’re alive and you will be able to take care of your family in some way!
Don’t get me wrong, no one has the license to kill, and neither am I telling you to go around and kill people!
My role here is just to make you conscious in a rough way; death is here as much
as life is! People don’t understand that and don’t look upon that in such a way!
When someone dies, we all regret him/her/them, and that’s ok. But death is part of life, which means that this person is not disappeared from existence.
The human essence is immortal. Our souls are immortal!
All of them are somewhere; in you, in us, in heaven, in some other dimensions!
Living people can’t comprehend that! Because they don’t have time, because they are always in a rush and hurry when death comes upon them or their ones, they are all shocked!
If death is something wrong, life is something wrong too!
What is relay death? Don’t ask me the solution to that riddle! Even if Ill tell you, you won't believe me! Seek your answers by yourself; seek through your life, not through mine! I did help you enough, now you’re on your own!
Death is not a big deal, it is the simplest choice, and it is easy to choose death! A true warrior chooses life and all hardships that life brings upon him!
To commit suicide that is darkness, that is an easier choice; don’t even think about it. Stan up and fight, no surrender, there is always a solution.
Don’t stand still in one state of mind, you have to change yourself, evolve, and develop!
You think that your problems are insolvable, no they are not. Just start to deal with them by yourself, don’t wait for others, because you will wait forever, but don’t refuse help. That is the way how you are winning over the darkness!
My friend's suicide isn’t even the slightest option. If you kill your self I want to
kill you once more!
You think that everyone will be better without you! Where is my father? Where is my mother? Who deserves that? Fight, never surrender, you can do that man!
Never wish death on anyone, no matter how bad he was, be careful because your wish might come true and darkness of evil will take over you!
Always wish for others' life, there is hope for everyone. That is warrior victory over darkness, over evil.
So darkens is here all the time, you have to know that.
There are many kinds of darkness!
Evil darkness is not the same as just death, it is evil death!
Death and darkness can be normal, without fear, and suffering, with knowledge and faith! This is not easy but it can be done!
To remember our deceased people is very important, but also important is to leave them in peace! In peace mean without fear, our fear!
Remember, death is part of existence same as life is, and there is a real connection to life there.
Knowledge and application are the keys here, learn about them!
True warriors love life as crazy but are ready to die at all times.
But to die in a warrior state of mind, never surrender to anything, not even to that death, and if it is about to die then so be it. It will be on our terms!
From My Heart to Yours
